What services comes under Car Interior Detailing in Melbourne?
In order to keep a vehicle up to date, only car washing is not enough; Car Interior Detailing in Melbourne is very important as well. There are two types of car detailing services and in this blog, we will discuss the car interior services.
At Auto Art Detailing, we offer a range of Car Interior Detailing in Melbourne for all types of vehicles. The interior detailing process of a car include inspecting each and every minute nook and corner of the car and make it clean.

In general the following services comes under the Car Interior Detailing in Melbourne.
Interior Vacuuming
A vacuum cleaner is used to thoroughly remove all dust particle and other residues from the car interiors. It includes cleaning the mats, footwell, seats, boot and other difficult-to-reach areas like under the seats, AC vents and corners.
Brushing and Cleaning
Proper brushes are used to thoroughly scrub the car’s upholstery (seats, roof, and other fabric surface) and surface mats. High quality leather cleaner is used to remove any stain present on the seat covers and polish them smoothly. It enhances the look of the car and protects these surfaces from further damage.
Carpet cleaning
The floor carpet of the car accumulates most of the dust particles due to obvious reasons. Thus Car Interior Detailing in Melbourne particularly pays attention to clean the carpet. The carpet is washed with proper cleaner to completely remove all unwanted particle from it. It is dried before reinstalling.
Cleaning the car installations
Wet wiping is not advised to clean the dashboard and other installation like AC, heater, radio etc. In order to clean them properly proper cleaner must be used. After cleaning these electronic systems it is extremely crucial to dry it completely before operating the vehicle.
Glass Cleaning
The car windows, windscreen and mirrors are thoroughly cleaned with the help of good quality glass cleaner. It improves visibility, especially for the driver. It also removes unwanted stain marks from the glasses.
These, in general are the common services that comes under the Car Interior Detailing in Melbourne. In case your car has any additional features like sunroof, moonroof and others, you can get them detailed as well.
Timely car interior detailing service can extend your vehicle’s life and offers a much better resale value (by slowing the depreciation value of your car).
Is interior car detailing process time consuming?
If you want to get full Car Interior Detailing in Melbourne you should leave your vehicle for 3-4 hours. It might take few more hours if you have taken a camping tour or cabin picnic etc, something that has resulted in too much dirt accumulation.
This process must be done with proper supervision and care. So it is best not to hurry and assign this task on a holiday.
To get high quality Car Interior Detailing in Melbourne, contact Auto Art Detailing. Just leave you vehicle with us and we will make it as good as new.
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